Classroom behavior plan
Behavior Chart & Daily Behavior Charts
Behavior Clip Chart
What Do the Colors Mean:
Blue: good choices all day, showing kindness to others, going above and beyond
Green: making good choices, on task majority of the day, very little correction needed
Purple: making good choices and on task most of the day, only corrected a few times
Orange: everyone starts the day on green
Pink: talked to by teacher and need to think about a negative choice they made
Yellow: was corrected multiple times, teacher chooses a consequence
Red: contact home for repeated negative behaviors not resolved in the classroom
Purpose of Chart:
Provides clear expectations for the classroom.
Gives students a visual of their behavior and provides an incentive for them.
Easy way to communicate behavior between classroom and home.
Behavior Chart Log
Students will be sent home a behavior log daily in their homework folder. For each day, the box will be colored in matching the area of the clip chart they were in. Additional comments will be left if necessary. Parents are to look this over daily and return it in their student's binder the next day. These should be signed weekly. This is a simple way to communicate about your student's behavior in the classroom.